Oaxaca in the Heart of Mexico - Detailed guide to the main attractions of the state, with emphasis on its natural wonders, culture and lifestyle. [English/Spanish] - http://oaxaca-travel.com/
Alexandra's Travelogues: Oaxaca - Comprehensive travel guide, including several web videos and some interactive features. - http://www.mexicodoc.com/oaxaca/
Sunset: Colors of Oaxaca - Travelogue focusing on the writer's discovery of the multi-layered culture of the state. - http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1216/is_n4_v199/ai_20567180
Go Oaxaca - Short list of the region's main attractions along with a picture and summary for each. - http://www.go-oaxaca.com
Exploring Oaxaca - Planeta's guide to rural travel and ecotourism in Oaxaca. Includes calendar updates and details of Spanish language schools - http://www.planeta.com/oaxaca.html
Tour By Mexico: Oaxaca State - Small guide offering travel highlights for each of the major cities of the state. - http://www.tourbymexico.com/oaxaca/oaxaca.htm
Fodors Miniguide: Oaxaca - Quick guide to the state's most famed sights and attractions, hotels, restaurants, and marketplaces. - http://www.fodors.com/miniguides/mgresults.cfm?destination=oaxaca@187
Curt Rosengren's Oaxaca Pages - Features photos, essays, and dozens of links to articles and travel information. - http://www.rosengren.net/oaxaca
Oaxaca Live - Provides travel tips, cultural and historical articles, and an active and moderated forum. - http://oaxacalive.com/
The Pacific Coast of Oaxaca - Directory of the main beaches and cities along the pacific coast. Includes many photos. - http://www.tomzap.com/oaxaca.html
Mexico Connect: Oaxaca - Provides travelogues and photo essays, an annotated hotel directory, and many hard-to-find tips for travelers. - http://www.mexconnect.com/mex_/oaxaca/oaxacaindex.html
Oaxaca Info - Features basic travel information, and a collection of links to hotel and tour reservation services. - http://www.oaxacainfo.com/