Large Millimeter Telescope - Construction of a single-dish instrument at Volcán Sierra Negra, Puebla, optimized for observation at 0.85 mm < λ < 4 mm. [English/Spanish] -
National Astronomic Observatory at San Pedro Martir - General information about the researchers and facilities of the Institute of Astronomy of the National University (UNAM) in Ensenada, Baja California. -
Eclipse Chaser's Journal: Total Solar Eclipse - Jeffrey R. Charles, an american astrophotographer, summarize his experiences in Mazatlan, Mexico, during the total solar eclipse of July 11th, 1991. -
Carl Sagan Observatory at Cerro Azul - Area de Astronomia of the Departamento de Investigacion en Fisica of the Universidad de Sonora. Programs, courses of study, infrastructure, news, activities and astrological events. -
Instituto Nacional de Astrofisica, Optica y Electronica - The INAOE is a research and teaching institution specializing in astrophysics, optics, electronics, and computer sciences and offering post-graduate studies in these specialties. -