United States - San Antonio, Texas - With information from the Consulate General of Mexico in San Antonio on visas for Americans and documents for Mexicans. - http://portal.sre.gob.mx/sanantonio/
Belize - Belize City - Lists and explains the consular services of the Mexican Embassy in Belize, and has opening hours and contact information. - http://www.sre.gob.mx/belice/
Singapore, Brunei, and Myanmar - Embassy of Mexico to Singapore, concurrently accredited to the Sultanate of Brunei and to the Union of Myanmar. Includes a welcome message from the ambassador. - http://www.embamexsing.org.sg
Embassy of Mexico to Turkey - Visa application procedures and forms, locations of consular offices, and information on educational scholarships. [English/Spanish/Turkish] - http://www.mexico.org.tr/
United Nations - New York - Misión Permanente de México ante la ONU, with some policy papers in English and much more in Spanish. - http://www.un.int/mexico/
United States - Washington DC - Embassy of Mexico in the United States of America. Has information about the embassy's activities, services, staff personal, a press room and information related to tourism. - http://www.embassyofmexico.org/
Hong Kong - Consulate General of Mexico in Hong Kong, with information about Mexico and its visa requirements. - http://www.mexico.com.hk/
Sweden - Stockholm - Embassy of Mexico to Sweden, also accredited to the Republic of Latvia and the Republic of Lithuania. Includes contact information for the Honorary Consulates in Gotemburgo, Umeå, Malmö, and Riga. - http://www.sre.gob.mx/suecia/
Philippines - Manila - Embassy of Mexico in Manila, detailing the requirements for the various types of visa. - http://www.sre.gob.mx/filipinas/
India, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka - Mexican mission located in New Delhi and accredited to India, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka, with a brief summary of the bilateral and multilateral relations, and of issues related to economic, cultural and technical cooperation and current treaties and - http://www.sre.gob.mx/india/
Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur - With contact details for the consular section and the trade office of the Embassy of Mexico in Kuala Lumpur, information on doing business with Mexico and visa application forms. - http://www.mexico.org.my/
Japan - Tokyo - Includes a history of relations between Mexico and Japan, and contact details for the consular affairs section. - http://www.sre.gob.mx/japon/
United States - New York - Includes information about visas, powers of attorney, and the Mexican Cultural Institute. - http://www.consulmexny.org/
Denmark - Copenhagen - Has information on cuisine, the constitution and government, visa and consular matters, the economy, and tourism. - http://www.mexican-embassy.dk/
Canada - Ottawa - With economic, political, education, energy and tourism sections. - http://www.embamexcan.com/
Canada - Vancouver - Offers services for Mexican citizens, visas and information. Covers the provinces and territories of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, North West Territories, Nunavut and Yukon. - http://www.consulmexvan.com/