Hospice Yukon Society - Non-profit, community-based program for individuals and their families who are facing death and grieving. Offers bereavement support, client care, volunteer training and workshops on death and dying. - http://www.yukonweb.com/community/hospice/
Yukon Council on Disability - Non-profit society with a volunteer board. Offers resources on issues of equity, community awareness, government policy and employment for persons with disabilities. - http://www.ycod.yk.ca/
YWCHSB - Yukon Workers' Compensation Health and Safety Board - Employer funded agency responsible for the compensation of occupational accidents and injuries, as well as for workplace prevention activities. Includes acts and regulations, policies, and information for employees and employers. - http://www.wcb.yk.ca/
Canadian Cancer Society - British Columbia and Yukon Division - Peer support, cancer information, summer camps, information on obtaining financial aid, and other programs are offered. Information on current research, patient trials, and volunteering. - http://www.bc.cancer.ca/