WWF Canada - Information on endangered species, habitat conservation, wildlife toxicology and rain forest preservation. Provides membership information and educational sections on many topics. - http://www.wwf.ca/
Canadian Society of Zoologists - Provides events, bulletins, news, publications and contact information. - http://www.uqar.uquebec.ca/jpellerin/csz/
Canadian Phytopathological Society - Promotes the development and dissemination of plant pathology in Canada through annual meetings, publications and electronic resources. - http://www.cps-scp.ca/
Canadian Wildlife Service - A leading player in the efforts to protect endangered species. It is a founding member of the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada. - http://www.cws-scf.ec.gc.ca/
Canadian Fauna - Provides information and photographs of the animals that inhabit Canada. - http://www.canadianfauna.com
Hinterland Who's Who - Descriptions of wildlife, discussions on issues, actions that you can take to help wildlife, and educational materials that teachers and group leaders can use, including television clips. - http://www.hww.ca/
Worm Watch - Nationwide program using students and other volunteers to conduct an earthworm census. Includes information about the purpose and methods of this study. - http://www.naturewatch.ca/english/wormwatch/
Wildlife Habitat Canada - WHC is a wildlife conservation organization. Provides information on habitat status, conservation programs and project database. - http://www.whc.org/
Ducks Unlimited Canada - Mission is to conserve wetlands and associated habitats for the benefit of hunters and North America's water fowl. Information and news on education, research and habitat programs including water quality issues. - http://www.ducks.ca/
Canadian Wildlife Federation - CWF advocates the protection of Canada's wild species and spaces. Provides information and news. - http://www.cwf-fcf.org/
Canadian Nature Federation - Features news on bird conservation, endangered species, protected areas. Provide news and Nature Canada magazine. - http://www.cnf.ca/