Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities - SARM represents all of Saskatchewan's 298 rural local governments. Provides news, policies, press releases, events and links. -
HRDC Community Profiles for Saskatchewan - Human Resources Development Canada site provides community information and links to community home pages. -
Provincial Association of Resort Communities of Saskatchewan - Represents cottage owners and resort communities.Its goal is to ensure that senior levels of government are aware of its members’ concerns. Provides newsletter and membership information. -
Regional Economic Development Authorities (REDAs) - Saskatchewan REDA's allow communities and organizations to join together to make plans for economic development in their region. Provides maps, profile and contact information. -,2970,2936,Documents
Listings Saskatchewan: Communities - Alphabetical list of all major Saskatchewan communities, with links to some individual community directories. -
Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association - SUMA is the provincial voice of urban municipalities in Saskatchewan. Provides information on programs, services, policy positions, publications, events and links. -