EMTA Agencies - Offers insurance, livestock and farm equipment, home processing equipment and meat seasonings. Located in Hodgeville. - http://www.emtaagencies.ca/
R. Roth Enterprises - Supplies agricultural chemical handling systems including hoppers, steel bin floors, incinerators and header transports, as well as picnic tables, workbenches, crop protection product handling systems and seed treating equipment. - http://www.rothent.com/
Canada-Saskatchewan Agri-Food Innovation Fund - Provided financial support to about 300 projects, embracing a wide range of research and development activities within the expanding agriculture and food sector of the Saskatchewan economy. Information about projects and publications. - http://www.agr.gov.sk.ca/afif/
Fenton Seed Farm Ltd. - An agricultural website offering certified, registered, foundation pedigreed seed for sale, including cereals, oilseeds, pulse, and grasses. Located in northeastern Saskatchewan. - http://www.fentonseeds.com
Saskatchewan Pulse Growers - Represents over 14,000 pulse crop farmers in the province. - http://www.saskpulse.com/