Council of Atlantic Ministers of Education and Training - Member provinces are New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island. The purpose of the Council is to provide the framework for joint undertakings of the four provinces in the needs of public and post-secondary educatio -
Atlantic Congress of Engineering Students - The congress represents members, eases communication and contributes to student's professional development. Offers home, news, executive, schools, documents, out reach ACES-L, links and e-mail. -
Success College - A vocational college, offering training through hands-on practical experience. Entrance requirements, calendar, applications, financial matters and campus locations. -
Broadleaf Technology Solutions - Core business is providing technology education. Provides a range of training programs in state-of-the-art classrooms. Lists courses, registration, partners, news, instructor profiles and contact information. -
Maritime Municipal Training and Development Board - Distance Learning - Established by the Council of Maritime Premiers for municipal training and distance education programming. Offers fee-based on line training to all. Lists information, registration, courses and log in. -
Maritime Provinces Higher Education Commission - An agency of the Council of Maritime Premiers, it assists institutions to use resources efficiently and effectively. Lists conferences, publications, activities and contact details. -
Atlantic Provinces Special Education Authority - Provide education and programs for children and youth who are deaf, deaf-blind, hard of hearing, blind, or visually impaired. Lists services, library, newsletter, workshops, materials for sale and links. Gives contact details under organization. -
Atlantic Veterinary College - Housed at UPEI its focus is animal and human health education and research. Also contains Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Cardigan Fish Hatchery and swine research facility and researches aquaculture and fish health. -
Association of Atlantic Universities - The association is a university forum for defining objectives and developing strategies. At present, it represents 18 institutions. Offers members, affiliates, links, contact information and serves as umbrella organization for sub-associations. -