Décolam - Manufacturer of laminated plastic products (Arborite or Formica) in a wide range of colors, patterns and laminated finishes for sanitary area partitions, protective door panels, commercial-grade wall panels, squash and racquetball courts panels, handrails - http://www.decolam.com/
Trimar University Residence - A quality environment for women to live in and study in, near Laval University. Offers room and board with meals, laundry and cleaning services. - http://pages.total.net/~trimar/
Days Inn Québec - Accommodations in Ste-Foy with 84 modern guest rooms, meeting facilities, continental breakfasts and business amenities. - http://www.daysinnquebec.com/
Clement Olivier, CMA - A chartered real estate broker specializing in commercial, industrial and multi-unit rental properties in the Quebec City area. - http://www.quebecweb.com/clementolivier/introang.html
Gentec Inc. - Makes electrical equipment, specializing in low voltage lighting systems featuring Kameleon Series equipment. - http://www.kameleonlighting.com/
Auberge l'Abitation - Located on Laurier boulevard, lAuberge offers 150 rooms and suites, heated pool and parking. Prices, services and reservations. - http://www.abitation.com
Institut de Microchirurgie Oculaire et de Laser - Quebec group of ophtalmologists offering information in visual correction by laser and intraocular surgery. - http://www.institutlaser.com/
Jean Lesage International Airport - History of the airport, business opportunities, aircraft carriers using the airport, customer services, press releases, and many links. - http://www.aeroportdequebec.com/