Old Port of Montreal - Travel and tourism information for the oldest part of the city. Includes a webcam and lists attractions, events and maps. - http://www.oldportofmontreal.com/
VIP Pro Tours - A tour and hotel reservation company which sells hotel and ticket packages for major concerts, F1 Grand Prix, hockey, and festivals in Montreal - http://vipprotours.com/
Montreal a la Carte - Detailed maps of the city, searchable with the use of Adobe Reader. - http://www.ville.montreal.qc.ca/mtlcarte/anglais/mtlcarte.htm
Montreal Canada - Suite101.com - Monthly articles pertaining to the history of Montreal, its historic buildings and people connected to Montreal. - http://www.suite101.com/welcome.cfm/8078
MontrealNow - News, business, sports, and tourism information. - http://www.montrealnow.com/