Outremont.biz - A community portal for the Outremont community featuring free classifieds, directories, blogs, news, events and bulletin boards. - http://www.outremont.biz/
Canada.com CityGuide: Montreal - Portal for personalized information and services including local news and events, free e-mail, shopping, sports, a directory, and community links. - http://www.canada.com/cityguides/montreal/index.html
A Montreal Express - A search engine for the Montreal area, including the South Shore and the Laurentians. - http://www.montrealexpress.com
MoreMontreal.com - An extensive directory of Montreal area web sites. - http://www.moremontreal.com/
Montreal West Island Portal - A community portal for Montreal's West Island, featuring free email and website space, news, events and bulletin boards. - http://www.westisland.ca/
Montreal Online - Latest reviews and listings for restaurants, movies, music, performing arts, festivals, books, museums and galleries, bars, and special events. - http://www.montrealonline.com