O'Gorman High School - The site lists course options, resources and contact information. - http://www.ncdsb.on.ca/schools/ohs.html
Resourcentral/Centressource - A regional CAP site offering online resources for public internet access. Includes surveys, tutorials, web links and other resources. [English/French] - http://www.resourcentral.ca/
District School Board - Includes contact information for schools and the school year calendar. - http://www.dsb1.edu.on.ca/schools/
Pinecrest Public School - The site lists: Grades, code of behavior policies and extra curricular activities. - http://www.dsb1.edu.on.ca/pinecrest/index.html
Timmins High and Vocational School - The site lists information for the school, courses, events, clubs and sports. - http://www.dsb1.edu.on.ca/thvs/index.html
Northeastern Catholic District School Board - Serves the Cochrane and Temiskaming districts, and provides a list of schools and partners, the school year calendar, and contact information. - http://www.ncdsb.on.ca/