United Way of Haldimand-Norfolk - The site lists volunteering and donation information and events. - http://www.unitedwayhn.on.ca/
Norfolk County Public Library - Simcoe - Includes access to the card catalog plus current and historical information regarding Simcoe and surrounding area. - http://www.norfolk.library.on.ca/contribute/central/simcoe/simcoe.aspx
Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Haldimand-Norfolk - Promotes and supports the development of one-to-one mentoring programs for children. Features volunteering and donation information. - http://www.bigbrothersbigsisters.ca/haldimand/
Alzheimer Society of Haldimand-Norfolk - Assists people as they deal with the consequences of Alzheimer Disease and related disorders, and includes informational resources and fundraising efforts. - http://www.alzhn.ca/
Community Access Support Services - Assists and supports adults with a disabilities, and provides information about its fundraising activities. - http://www.access-support.on.ca/
Ferris Funeral Home - Provide a full range of services. The site lists FAQ and photos. - http://www.ferrisfuneral.com/
Rotary Club of Norfolk Sunrise - The site lists officers and members, meetings and newsletters. - http://www.norfolksunrise.org
Haldimand-Norfolk Women's Services - A free service, the site contains information on abuse of women and how and where they can get help. Offer 24-hour crisis service. - http://www.hnws.on.ca/index2.html
Haldimand-Norfolk Literacy Council - Offer confidential tutoring for adults who need to upgrade their literacy skills. - http://www.haldimandnorfolkliteracy.com/
Norfolk Historical Society - Operates the Eva Brook Donly Museum and the County archives and artifact collections. - http://www.norfolklore.com/index1.html