William Lishman - Site depicts many aspects of the works of this artist, designer, pilot and film-maker. Works include operation migration and underground architecture. - http://www.williamlishman.com
Greenbank Folk Music Society - Details concert schedule, ticket, history, newsletter, and contact information. - http://www.globalserve.net/~ynot/grnbnk.htm
Mary Owens Designs - Jan Perrault - Artists bio, upcoming seminars, folk art supplies and order form. - http://www.maryowensdesigns.com/HTML/jan_perrault.htm
Deborah Colston - Provides contact and biographical information along with samples of her art dolls sculpted using a polymer clay called Cernit or an air-drying clay called La Doll. - http://www.scugog-net.com/colston/