Pickering Columbian Squires #4542 - Local circle of the youth division of The Knights of Columbus. Lists news, events, photos and members of the executive. - http://pickeringsquires.50webs.com/
Voters Organized to Cancel the Airport Lands - Organization established to stop the building of the proposed Pickering airport. Features current news, articles and announcements. - http://www.vocalvoice.ca/
Amnesty International Group 83 - Local chapter of Amnesty International. Offers information on monthly meetings and provides a calendar of events. - http://www.aigroup83.ca/
Devi Mandir - A Hindu temple on Brock Road. Provides information about its services, facilities and a calendar of events. - http://www.devimandir.com/
Anglican Church of St. Martin's - Provides worship times, weekly bulletins as well as information on church activities and events. Offers information on parish ministries and outreach initiatives. - http://www.stmartinsanglican.ca/