John Cabot Catholic Secondary School - Includes general information, news, courses offered, staff directory, events, photo galleries, extra curricular activities, chat room, and a contact form. -
Father Michael Goetz Secondary School - A Catholic high school on the west side of Mississauga. Provides upcoming events, calendar and general information. -
Streetsville Secondary School - Among other resources and links, provides the 1700 SSS students with alumni news, art activities, the Tigers teams games schedules, links to teachers' pages and the PWR School Newspaper. -
Erindale Secondary School - Provides information on upcoming events, departments, staff and student council. -
Lorne Park Secondary School - Gives links to all grades' course offerings, daily events updates and administration messages, school news and events, Colleges and Universities information, and other resources. -
Gordon Graydon Memorial Secondary School - In addition to the regular grade 9 to 12 curriculum they offer programs to support specials needs and the International Business and Technology Program. -
Meadowvale Secondary School - Includes information about events, school administration, guidance and career counsel, student and parent council information when available news of clubs and school teams. -
The Woodlands School - A public secondary school. Provides history, department, news, club and course information. -
John Fraser Secondary School - Provides information and links to school administration and contacts, council, departments, clubs, teams and school events. -
Morning Star Middle School - Public school for grades 6, 7 and 8 in the Airport Rd and Morning Star Drive area. Includes student handbook and administrative information, newsletters and class websites. -
Clarkson Secondary School - Provides information on academic departments, alumni and friends, clubs and activities, administration, athletics and upcoming events. -
Lincoln M. Alexander Secondary School - A digital map provides a tour of the school's facilities. Includes descriptions of courses offered, awards and scholarships presented, extra-curricular activities and upcoming events. -
T.L. Kennedy Secondary School - Includes information about facilities, staff, students, academic departments and extra-curricular activities. Browse their online alumni directory. -
Applewood Heights Secondary School - Includes department information, lessons online, student poetry, athletics. virtual yearbook and student and teacher directories. -
Cawthra Park Secondary School - Information on the administration, course subject areas and extra-curricular activities. -