Epilepsy Support Centre - Provides a full range of support services for people with epilepsy and those who live with people who have the disorder. - http://www.epilepsysupportcentre.com/
Endometriosis Support Network - A support group for people suffering from Endometriosis. Describes the condition, its symptoms and effects, and lists meeting times and related resources. - http://www.endosisters.ca/
Cheshire Homes of London Inc. - Supports individuals with physical disabilities, enabling them to live independently, in the community, through the provision of personal support services. - http://www.cheshirelondon.ca/
Alateen - A fellowship of young Al-Anon members, usually teenagers, whose lives have been affected by someone's else's drinking. - http://info.london.on.ca/Hosted/alateen/alateen.html