Dr. Pourang Rahimi Orthodontics - Provides orthodontic care to children and adults, and lists profiles of the doctors, benefits of braces and some of the colours and options available. - http://www.rahimiortho.com/
Dr. Michael Taylor, Orthodontist - Orthodontics for children and adults. Describes the assessment and treatment processes, oral hygiene and special products such as Invisalign braces. - http://www.ontariosmiles.com/
Dr. Ron Barzilay - Dental surgeon taking new patients and offering same day emergency care and family dentistry. Doctor's profile, and practice information. - http://www.rondentist.com/
Outreach Dentistry Inc. - Mobile, in-house geriatric oral care in nursing homes and hospitals. - http://www.outreachdentistry.com
OMG Perio - Specialists in periodontal surgery and oral health care. Resources available for patients and referring doctors. - http://www.omgperio.ca
Dr. Anthony Markowski - Provides dental care with an emphasis on sedation and cosmetic dentistry. - http://www.cosmetic-dentistry.ca/
Doctor Ron Paluch - Offers complete dental care, though preventive dentistry, bonding, bleaching, implants, nitrous oxide, sedation, air abrasions, laser and cosmetic dental work. - http://www.doctorpaluch.com