Spirit Rock Gardening and Landscaping - Professional landscaping contractors in East Muskoka, offering landscape design services: stairs, walking paths, retaining walls, patios, landings, gardens and driveways. - http://www.spiritrock.ca/
Avery Audio - Offers over 1000 DVD and video titles for rent, as well as TV, VCR and DVD player rentals and supplies high speed satellite internet, alarm systems, telephone and home theatre systems. - http://www.averyaudio.ca/
Portico Timber Frames - Designs and builds timber frame structures for residential and commercial markets. Cost estimates and photos are presented. - http://www.porticotimberframes.com/
Tall Pines Snowmobile Club - Offers information about the club and region with links to weather, trail conditions and points of interest. - http://www.tallpines.org/
Fred and Michael Baum - Century 21 - Cottages and wilderness properties around Muskoka, Haliburton and Algonquin Park area. Features listings of waterfront cottages and homes. - http://www.algonquin-cottages.com/
Ellen Wiley - Coldwell Banker - Specializing in cottages, waterfront lots and residential properties. Listings and location map are included. - http://www.wileyrealestate.on.ca/
Algonquin Projects Limited - Distributor of Viceroy Homes to the Muskoka and Haliburton region. - http://www.algonquinprojects.com/
Dorset Tim-BR Mart - Offers custom floating docks, hardware, lumber, paint, plumbing and electrical supplies. - http://www.dorsetbuildingcentre.on.ca/
Mountain Trout House Marina - Sales, service and rentals of Yamaha snowmobiles, outboard motors, pontoon and fishing boats in the Muskoka and Haliburton Highlands. - http://www.mthmarina.com
Carolyn Roberto - Travel counselor and tour operator featuring custom tours to: Muskoka Canada, Morocco, Kenya and Tanzania, Hungary, South Africa, Morocco, Hungary and Ireland. - http://www.muskoka-tours.com/
Dorset Snowball Winter Carnival - Annual winter festival. Includes general information, photo gallery and a schedule of events. - http://www.dorsetsnowball.com/
The Nordic Inn - All seasons accommodations, groomed wilderness trails, pub and restaurant. Located across from the Dorset Tower. - http://www.thenordicinn.com/
Dorset - Features a business directory, photo gallery and township information. - http://www.dorset.muskoka-ontario.com/
The Fiery Grill - Louisiana style restaurant offering an online dining menu. - http://www.fierygrill.com/