POC-GEM Printing Services - Commercial printers since 1978. Full-service printing and binding in both offset and digital formats. Design services also offered. - http://www.pocgem.com/
Life Like Imaging - Large format printing and graphic services that prints up to 50" wide at 1440 dpi with lamination and mounting available. - http://www.life-like-imaging.com
Kikuchi Graphics - Complete printing services for catalogues and brochures. - http://www.kikuchigraphics.com/
Edward Graphics Supplies Ltd. - Distributor and manufacturers' agent, providing advanced materials and machinery to flexographic and rotogravure printers worldwide. - http://www.egs.com/
Scanorama Graphx - Digital graphics printing, large format digital printing. - http://www.scanoramagraphx.com/
Accent Printing & Graphics - One to four colour printing, from design to press. - http://www.slopitch1.com/accent/