The Mississagi River Valley - A place of natural beauty and splendour, said to look like a living Group of Seven painting with scenic waterways and lush forests. Provides local history, tourism, and businesses. -
Camp Lochalsh Ontario Fishing and Hunting - A remote northern Ontario fishing and hunting lodge on Wabatongushi Lake, co-managed by Loch Island Lodge. Provides photos, packages and rates, and a newsletter. -
Algoma Federation of Agriculture - Informs rural communities about current farming concerns and issues, plus upcoming events, meetings, courses, and programmes. -
Children's Aid Society of Algoma - Protects the welfare and best interests of children through the delivery of high-quality, innovative programs and services. -
Wart Lake, Ontario - Dedicated to beautiful and scenic Wart Lake, located in the heart of the Algoma District. Includes maps, FAQ's and pictures of the author's cabin. -
St. Joseph Island Historical Society - Island family stories, 1861 to 1901 island census data, transcripts of all island cemeteries, recorded births, deaths and marriages, and also a timeline. -
Anglican Diocese of Algoma - Includes Diocesan news, volunteer screening details, a list of parishes in the Diocese, missions, pastoral link resources contact information. -
Tatnall Camp - A remote camp on Oba Lake in northern Ontario, accessible via the Agawa Canyon Tour Train, the North End of the Line Tour, or by seaplane. Describes facilities, rates and maps. -