Ontario Library Service - North - Assists public libraries in Northern Ontario in making accessible to their communities local, provincial, national and international information and culture. - http://www.olsn.ca/
Public Library West Nipissing - Brings people into contact with resources of expression, experience, inspiration and knowledge. Includes searching of the library's collection through an online catalogue, along with branch locations. - http://www.wnpl.ca/
Ontario Library Association - Provides an opportunity for the people in the field to associate, meet, share experience and expertise, and create innovative solutions in a constantly changing environment. - http://www.accessola.org/
Ontario Library Service - Information on OLS site, news releases, lists services for northern areas, library databases and additional resources. - http://www.library.on.ca/
Southern Ontario Library Service - Provides services and programs to the public library boards in Southern Ontario. Publications and information about the Board, funding, events, and training. - http://www.library.on.ca/solsindex.html