Igloolik Research Centre - History, mission statement, facility details, and a fee schedule for the research centre. - http://polar.nrcan.gc.ca/about/facility_e.php?id=22
Wikipedia: Igloolik, Nunavut - Encyclopedia article provides a brief history, population data and photographs. Includes references. - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Igloolik,_Nunavut
Igloolik Outdoor Adventures - Offers trips for arctic char fishing, birdwatching, or viewing whales, seals, and walrus. Also guides researchers and film crews. Site details changing conditions through the season. - http://www.nunanet.com/~iglooadv/
Tujurmivik Hotel - Family owned accommodations offering a home style atmosphere, home cooked, meals and modern rooms. Includes information about the community, a photograph gallery, and hotel details including the cost of room and board. - http://www.tujurmivikhotel.com
Saint Etienne and Notre Dame Auxilatrice - Roman Catholic mission. History, list of oblates, and associated retreat center at Ikpik. - http://www.arcticomi.ca/2igloolik.html
Igloolik Travelogue - Personal account of a guided tour, with images of bowhead whales, ice flows, and walrus in the Foxe basin. - http://www.dcrimages.com/travel/igloolik/
St. Matthais - Igloolik - Brief history of the Anglican church, and description of a confirmation service that was conducted at its Hall Beach outstation. - http://www.arcticnet.org/igloolik.htm
Iglulik - Three photographs. - http://www.gov.nu.ca/finance/iglulik.shtml
Igloolik Isuma Productions - Video and film production company. Catalog of dramatic and documentary productions, staff biographies, women's video workshop, discussion of bringing traditional Inuit storytelling into the new millennium. - http://www.isuma.ca/