Dartmouth General Hospital Foundation - A registered non-profit organization that promotes and supports the work of the hospital. Describes the organization, mission, news, donations, resources and contact details. - http://www.dghfoundation.ca/
Elizabeth Fry Society of Mainland Nova Scotia - The society responds to the needs of women in prison, develops community services and lobbies on their behalf. Describes mission, programs, publications, prisons, events and volunteer support. - http://www.efrynovascotia.com/
The Metro Food Bank Society - The society feeds hungry people and its ultimate goal is to eliminate chronic hunger and alleviate poverty. Calendar of events, gift ideas, how to help, and information about programs. - http://www.metrofoodbank.org/
Leave A Legacy Nova Scotia - Promotes charitable giving through a will or an estate plan. Services offered to charities, methods of donating, press releases and participating agencies. - http://www.leavealegacy.ns.ca/