Cape Breton Island - Information on places to stay, things to see, where to eat and campgrounds. Offers a search by locality, a directory by tourist trails and contact details. -
Stay Cape Breton - A directory of selected accommodations on Cape Breton Island. -
Ceilidh Culture - A tour of Cape Breton, affording the traveler a view of Highland Scots culture with Gaelic stories and songs. Describes tour activities, history, services, a photo gallery and contact details. -
Sea Spray Outdoor Adventures - This tour operator offers exploration of mountains and oceanside scenery on foot, by bike, kayak, snowshoes or on skis. Lists services and business contact. -
Cape Breton Resorts - Cape Breton Island accommodations in Cape Breton's finest resorts and country inns. Choose from this group's many properties. -
The Cabot Trail - An informative look at visitor's services on the trail. Discusses businesses, accommodations, camping, attractions, hiking, weather, interpretive centres, museums, history and communities. -
Cape Breton Showcase - Community, travel, music, culture and business information about Cape Breton Island. -
Cape Breton Highlands National Park - Information about camping and activities available, tips, and contact details. -