Truro Music Festival - Annual music competition and festival, held each spring and includes county schools and school aged soloists. Discusses rules, notices, volunteers, donations, entry forms and regulations. -
Shelly Atkinson Artwork - The artist creates whimsical folk art paintings in a naive style. Presents the artist's profile, a gallery of works, contact details, locations and shows. -
Carsand-Mosher Photographic - A full service camera store and photo finishing lab. Offers professional and amateur photo equipment; conventional and digital imaging services. Lists new and used equipment, services, photo links, tips, employment and contact details. -
Maritime Marionettes - Traditional and original stories enacted by wooden marionettes. Describes company, shows, puppeteers, items for sale, booking information, and contact details. -
Empire Theatres - Centennial Cinemas - Presents a searchable schedule of movies playing at the theatre plus contact details. -