Bully Proof - Offers an assertiveness training workshop for kids which includes the psychology of bullying, what to say, what not to say, and how to report the behaviour. - http://www.bullyproof.budocentral.com/
LakeCity Employment Services Association - A non-profit vocational centre serving people with mental health difficulties. Includes general information, employment services, newsletter, LakeCity Woodworkers information, pine furniture catalogue, and contact details. - http://www.lakecityemployment.com
Dartmouth Seniors' Service Centre - A multi-resource activity centre offering a range of services to the senior population. Provides information on programs, activities, services, news, menus and calendar. Gives location and contact details. - http://www.accesswave.ca/~dssc
The Greenvale Heritage Project - The Greenvale Art and Cultural Association are trying to save the old Greenvale School by converting the building into an Art and Cultural Center. Gives school history, fund raising and contact details. - http://www.accesscable.com/~greenvale/index1.htm
Dartmouth North Community Centre - The centre presents information on Dartmouth North Library, Computer Centre, recreation and leisure, Evolutions youth project, special events, volunteer information and community resources. Gives contact details. - http://www.dncc.ns.ca/