International Association of Peacekeeping Training Centres - The association exchanges information between training centres and those interested in training. Features information on standards, cooperation, executive committee, reports and articles of association. -
Clementsport, Nova Scotia 1881 Census - The fifty-four page census lists surname, given name, place of birth, religion, origin, occupation and marital status. -
Leslie Photography - Paula Leslie produces digital art from her photographs, scanned objects and drawings, using a high-resolution ink-jet printer. Discusses photography and gives business contact and e-mail. -
Olde Port of Clements - Two guest rooms available in a two and a half story colonial home (circa 1827) from 1 July to 30 September. Lists local attractions, amenities, location, rates and booking contact. -
Povah Gallery - An Impressionist in the manner of Monet, Sisley, and Renoir, the artist records the landscape and architecture of the Annapolis Valley. Presents a gallery of works. -