Tusket River and Basin Project - Overview of the project, background information on the river and basin, links to related tourism sites, and contact details. [information in English and French] - http://www.tusket.com/
Yarmouth County And Surrounding Areas - A resource and information site for residents, businesses and visitors to the area. Provides free services to non-profits, plus advertising and online products and services to businesses. - http://yarmouthcounty.com/
Spinney, Carl - Includes photos from around Yarmouth County and personal stories. - http://home.klis.com/~spinneyc/
Yarmouth County GenWeb Project - Part of the Nova Scotia GenWeb Project. Genealogical resources, cemetery inscriptions, historical essays, and research queries databases. - http://www.rootsweb.com/~nsyarmou/
Communities of Yarmouth County - Portrays the villages and towns that make up the urban population of the county. Offers maps and links to local businesses plus descriptions and thumbnail histories of the communities. - http://www.yarmouth.org/villages/