Trinity Historical Society and Museum - Gathers and preserves information about the history of the community of Trinity for future generations at their museum. Provides a summary of the artifacts shown at the museum. -
The Moose Files - Information source For Newfoundlanders abroad, with news from NTV, links to radio broadcasts from OZ-FM, and chatrooms. -
Web Talk - Newfoundland and Labrador - A venue for Newfoundlanders and Labradorians to meet and discuss their place in the Dominion of Canada and the issues of the day. -
Bluekaffee - A site for people (generally Newfoundlanders) to post online journals and to communicate with friends. -
International Grenfell Association - A private foundation whose purpose is to award grants for students and non-profit projects in Newfoundland and Labrador. Provides forms and outlines the assessment and granting process. -
Newfoundland Rail Scenes - An online album of railway photographs by Randy P. Noseworthy. -