Alexander Gibson Memorial School - A small community school. Offers a brief history of Marysville and a link to the community access centre. -
Barkers Point School - The school teaches grades one to five. It offers information on field trips, special events, and presents a photo gallery. Gives principal's message, township history, a handbook and links to the community access centre. -
Park Street School - The school caters to students in kindergarten to grade five. Lists profile, staff, calendar and directions. -
Nashwaaksis Memorial School - The school teaches students in kindergarten to grade five. Features principal's message, school profile, staff, Home and School and special programs. -
South Devon Elementary School - The school has students in grades Kindergarten to five and is an English school providing second language instruction in both French and/or Maliseet. Lists guidance, student activities, staff, history, links and bulletins. -
Royal Road Elementary School - A kindergarten to grade five school offering French immersion classes, on the north side of Fredericton. Includes school newsletter, fun spot and visitor's guide. -
Kingsclear Consolidated School - Students from kindergarten to grade six attend this school. Discusses school history, teachers, classes, students information, news, clubs and links. -
Montgomery Street Elementary School - The school educates children in kindergarten to grade five. Offers information on awards, events, staff, classes and PTA. -
Garden Creek School - The school teaches students in kindergarten to grade five. Lists teachers, classes, fun, physical wellness, parent committee, home and school and special events. -