Oak Valley Productions - Local drama group. Provides upcoming productions, group history and volunteer information. - http://www.passionplay.ca
The Borderline Singers - Information on past concerts, as well as a photo gallery and contact details. - http://www.cici.mb.ca/manitouoperahouse/Borderline%20Entry.htm
Danceworks - Local dance instructor provides biography, mission statement and programme information. - http://www.cici.mb.ca/manitouoperahouse/Danceworks.htm
Manitou Coffee House Musicians - Provides calendar of events, general information and contact details. - http://www.cici.mb.ca/manitouoperahouse/Manitou%20Coffee%20House%20Musicians.htm
Manitou Opera House - A 385 seat, arts and crafts style theatre in rural Southern Manitoba. Provides travel directions, general information and contact details. - http://www.cici.mb.ca/manitouoperahouse/