BC Stats - Includes maps, population, land area, and detailed demographics for regional districts. - http://www.bcstats.gov.bc.ca/DATA/sep/rd/rd_main.asp
Primer on Regional Districts in British Columbia - Government site explaining the history and motivation behind the creation of regional districts, and the administrative scope of their powers. (PDF file) - http://www.cserv.gov.bc.ca/lgd/gov_structure/library/Primer_on_Regional_Districts_in_BC.pdf
British Columbia Regional District Statistics - Area, population, and budgetary statistics for all twenty-eight regional districts. - http://www.bcstats.gov.bc.ca/Regions/regDist.htm
Regional District Maps - Includes maps for regional districts showing primary communities and census divisions. - http://www.bcstats.gov.bc.ca/data/pop/maps/RDMap.htm