Building Canada - A selection of images from the John Bland Collection of Canadian Architecture at the McGill School of Architecture. -
The Canadian Architect and Builder Online - CAB was published between 1888 and 1908. With photographs, drawings, advertisements and articles, CAB provides information on the state of architecture and building in Canada during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. -
Urbanism - Looks at modern Canadian architecture and urges the preservation of buildings under threat. Showcases many Toronto buildings. -
Canadian Architect - Timely topics on architecture with a Canadian bent; international architecture news is also covered. -
Archiseek Canada - Provides information and resources dealing with Canadian architecture, news and competitions. -
ArchitectureWeek: Architecture Canada - An illustrated article excerpted from Architecture Canada 2002 edited by Stephen Parcell. -
Royal Architectural Institute of Canada - The RAIC is a voluntary national association representing professional architects, and faculty and graduates of accredited Canadian Schools of Architecture. -
Society of Design Administration Canada - Promotes the exchange of ideas. Members represent prominent Canadian architecture, engineering, interior design, landscape architecture, developers, service providers and specialty consulting firms. -