Davids, Leo - Personal site contains author's genealogy data from the past 500 years. - http://www.telusplanet.net/public/davidleo
Genealogical Projects Registry - Alberta - Extractions, transcription and indexing projects are listed with links to data online or paper-published form, with links to the organization and/or individuals who are involved with the project. - http://www.afhs.ab.ca/registry/
George B. Kambeitz - Page contains some personal data and extensive Kambeitz family genealogy. - http://www.telusplanet.net/public/georgek/gbkam.htm
County of Ponoka, Alberta - GenWeb Project - Provides historical and genealogical information, history and heritage for citizens of Ponoka County. - http://www.rootsweb.com/~abponoka/
Mennonite Historical Society of Alberta - Supports those who wish to amass, preserve, analyze, or write about Mennonite history and family history in Alberta. Affiliated with the MHS of Canada, they have a number of projects on the go. - http://www.rootsweb.com/~abmhsa/
Alberta Local History Books - An alphabetical listing by community name and some of the Calgary-area repositories where they may be located. Volunteers to extract surname lists from the books are welcomed to supplement AFHS plans. - http://www.afhs.ab.ca/aids/localhistory/index.html
Glenbow Library and Archives - An online research resource housing maps, archived individuals, families, organizations and business records, photographs, film footage and sound recordings. Located in Calgary. - http://www.glenbow.org/lasearch/searmenu.htm
Stettler Genealogy Club - A group which is active in the Stettler area; members meet to help and to support each other in their research. - http://www.clearview.ab.ca/genealogy/
Alberta Family Histories Society - Nonprofit organization formed to promote and encourage research. Includes calendar of events, bylaws, membership details, publications and queries. Located in Calgary. - http://www.afhs.ab.ca/
Alberta Genealogical Society - A non-profit organization having numerous branches in the province, and founded to encourage and to promote the study of family history. - http://www.compusmart.ab.ca/abgensoc/
Alberta Cemetery Index Listings - Where to find an index to an Alberta cemetery. Often there's a link to online material as well. - http://www.afhs.ab.ca/data/cemeteries/index.html
Alberta GenWeb Genealogy Research Aid - A free research aid for genealogy in the Province of Alberta, Canada. - http://users.rootsweb.com/~canab/index.html