Lethbridge County Airport - Includes vision statement, passenger information and gallery of aerial photos. - http://www.county.lethbridge.ab.ca/municipal/lethbridge/lethbridge-website.nsf/e9f00d4a47929ecc87256b0a005c4e8b/d2ca350ac1293ef887256f560077d60a!OpenDocument
LA Transit - City-owned mass transit company. Summary of services, maps and route schedules are featured. - http://www.lethbridge.ca/home/For+Residents/Your+Transportation/Bus+Service/Bus+Service.htm
Aviagraf - Designs 3D image based passenger safety briefing cards for airlines. Offers product information, client list and contact details. - http://www.aviagraf.com/
Executive 4 Star Limousine Inc. - Offers information on services, exterior and interior limousine photos and client testimonials. - http://www.lethlimo.com/
Lethbridge Handi-Bus - Provides door-to-door service for individuals with physical and/or mental disabilities. Contains registration information, rates and hours of operation. - http://members.shaw.ca/lethbridgehandibus/home.html