GoEdmonton.Net - Comprehensive directory includes arts and entertainment, business, careers, education, employment, government, law, news, recreation, sports, tourism and religion sites. - http://www.goedmonton.net/
Day Trips - Features directory of local attractions and entertainment, descriptions of area towns and counties, regional map, brochures and coupons, and location of information centres. - http://www.edmontondaytrips.com
Mill Woods - Includes businesses and contact information. - http://www.millwoodsonline.com
Edmonton Information - Offers information on accommodations, festivals, entertainment, schools and businesses. - http://www.ifindinfo.com/
Gateway2Edmonton - Offers business listings, attractions, movies, sporting events, dining guides, rental car information, and maps. - http://www.gateway2edmonton.com/
Edmonton Accommodation Guide - A directory of local hotels, inns and motels, as well as local attractions. - http://www.lights.com/edhotel/frames/
Where Edmonton - Your source for shopping, dining, entertainment, events, attractions, accommodations, galleries and relocation in Edmonton. - http://www.whereedmonton.com/
EdmontonGuide.net - A comprehensive collection of information, links and resources, including airport information, weather forecasts, radio, arts and entertainment, events, attractions and tourist information. - http://edmontonguide.net/
Edmonton Visitor Guide On-line - Travel guide for visitors to the city with information about accommodations, dining, shopping, attractions, entertainment, sports, and climate. - http://www.infoedmonton.com/
Discover Edmonton - Gives information on accommodations, events, shopping, dining, local attractions, activities, interactive maps, online business listings and classified ads. - http://www.discoveredmonton.com/
CRS Encyclopedia: Edmonton - Guide for people relocating or moving to Edmonton. - http://relocatecanada.com/edmonton/index.html
Edmontonplus.ca - Comprehensive city directory provides links to restaurants, shows, entertainment and sports, shopping, attractions, the weather, lottery results and related resources. - http://www.edmontonplus.ca/
Edmonton Overview - Provides a comprehensive collection of links to a variety of city information, businesses and services. - http://www.ualberta.ca/EDMONTON/
Canajun Guide to Edmonton - Directory of services, tourist attractions and Edmonton entertainment. Also includes links to national resources. - http://www.canajun.com/edmonton/