Jubilations - Dinner theater located at the Westbrook Mall. Includes upcoming shows, ticket prices, career and contact information. - http://www.jubilations.ca/jubilations/
Calgary Fringe Festival - A collaborative organization striving to provide opportunities and exposure to artists who are willing to take a risk. - http://www.calgaryfringe.ca/
Morpheus Theatre - A community theatre producing Gilbert and Sullivan operettas and contemporary comedies and dramatic plays. - http://www.morpheustheatre.ca/
Out Of Our Heads Entertainment - Customized entertainment for office parties or private functions who also perform customized interactive soap operas and reality TV gags. - http://www.outofourheads.ca/
Terry Shane Murder Mysteries - Produces mystery weekends for groups from ten people to hundreds. Includes details, upcoming events and contact information. - http://www.terryshanemurdermysteries.ca
Pegasus Murder Mysteries - Provides humorous interactive performances and murder mysteries in dinner theatre format for corporate shows. Contact information, upcoming shows and client testimonials. - http://www.pegasus-performances.com/
Calgary Young People's Theatre - Calgary theatre group for young people. Local plays, summer camps, and workshops. - http://www.cypt.ca/
Pumphouse Theatres - A comprehensive site detailing the history, current user groups, performance activities and community-based programs being offered in an historic venue in Calgary. - http://www.pumphousetheatres.ca/
Quest Theatre - A theatre company producing innovative and entertaining works of interest to young people. - http://www.questtheatre.org/
Theatre Junction - One of Calgary's newer theatre companies. Dedicated to offering an opportunity to see and hear great plays of the modern theatre and new Canadian work. - http://www.theatrejunction.com
Shadow Productions Home - A company of professional actors and writers, creating custom designed interactive murder mystery dinner theatre in the Calgary area. - http://www.shadowproductions.com
Sun Ergos - An International Company of Theatre and Dance based in Calgary, Alberta Canada providing unique entertainment worldwide. - http://www.sunergos.com/
Lunchbox Theatre - Downtown lunchtime theatre, based on the one-act play format. - http://www.lunchboxtheatre.com/
One Yellow Rabbit - Blends the elements of drama, dance, poetry and monologue into a whole. Includes history, volunteer information, and calendar of events. - http://www.oyr.org/
Alberta Theatre Projects - One of Calgary's premier theatre companies, dedicated to presenting quality work from the national and international repertoire. - http://www.atplive.com/
Theatre Calgary - One of the premiere Calgary live theatre companies. - http://www.theatrecalgary.com