Municipal Affairs - Provides support services, advice and other assistance to help municipalities establish good local government and ensures communities have safe buildings, equipment and facilities, and effective emergency response. -
Alberta Seniors and Community Supports - Supports the well-being and independence of Alberta's seniors and provides housing support for lower-income seniors and families, individuals with special needs and the homeless. The ministry also includes the Seniors Advisory Council for Alberta and the -
Restructuring and Government Efficiency - Coordinates and streamlines Alberta government processes and programs. It includes the office of the Corporate Chief Information Officer and the Alberta Corporate Service Centre. -
Alberta Finance - Responsible for all the financial operations of the Alberta Government. Contains information on the provincial budget, debt and investments; Heritage Fund; taxes/rebates; financial institutions; insurance; pensions; Alberta Savings Certificates; annual re -
Alberta Education - Responsible for early childhood education and kindergarten through grade 12. Includes resources for students, parents and teachers. -
Alberta Community Development - Assists communities in achieving a high quality of life by supporting several agencies and foundations and through the following program areas: Community and Citizenship Services, Cultural Facilities and Historical Resources, Parks and Protected Areas, Fr -
Alberta Economic Development - Works with partners to provide quality information and competitive intelligence, diversify industry products and services, expand export and trade, attract investment and promote tourism. -
Alberta Advanced Education - Responsible for post-secondary education, apprenticeship and industry training, and community based adult learning. Includes direction on program and career options and financial assistance. -
Alberta Environment - Manages the use of Alberta's diverse landscapes to sustain a healthy environment, a prosperous economy and strong communities, by protecting the province's air, land, and water, including addressing climate change and waste management. -
Alberta Energy - Manages the development and conservation of oil, natural gas and mineral resources within a framework of sustainable development, maximizing investment and benefits for Albertans. -
Ropin' The Web Portal - The official site of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development (AFRD). The ministry enables the growth of a globally competitive, sustainable agriculture and food industry through essential policy, legislation, information and services. -
Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development - The ministry responsible for developing policies and strategies respecting Aboriginal and northern issues and for implementing specific Aboriginal and northern initiatives. -
Alberta Municipal Affairs - Assessment Services - Provides advice to government and assessment stakeholders on assessment and property tax policy and establishing assessment standards. -
Alberta Justice - Administration of justice in Alberta - including information on victim's services, legal services for vulnerable persons, corrections, prosecutions, policing and the courts. -
Office of the Chief Medical Examiner - Alberta Chief Medical Examiner - information about sudden deaths, settling of estates, fatality inquiries, events and statistics. -
Alberta Economic Development Authority - Informs visitors and citizens of the agency, its mandate, and provincial and international initiatives to ensure the provincial economy's continued expansion. -
Alberta Health and Wellness - Gateway to provincial health matters including health initiatives, legislation, information for health professionals, regional health authorities, and Alberta's Health Care Insurance Plan. -
Peace Country Development Corporation - Promotes regional economic development opportunities through business development programs, services and education to youth, persons with disabilities and the unemployed. -
Alberta Children's Services - Offers services and programs for children and families; child protection, adoption services, day care programs, family court and mediation and other early intervention programs. -