Independent News - Middle East - Current news and commentary on events and conflicts. -
Business Life - Business news from the Middle East and North Africa. -
Trade Arabia - Middle East portal for business news and information, covering various industry sectors. Includes a database of a quarter-million companies, classifieds and tools. -
AME Info - Middle East business and financial news updated daily. -
The Middle East Times - Independent news weekly about the Middle East region. News and analysis of politics, culture and religion. Archive for researchers. -
Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) - Controversial group offers translations and analysis of Arabic, Farsi and Hebrew media, including videos of tv broadcasts and cartoons, focusing on political issues. The reports are sorted by subject and country. -
Federal News Service - Middle East Transcripts - Transcripts and translations of interviews, speeches, press conferences, commentaries and released statements from broadcast and print sources throughout the Middle East. -
New York Times: Middle East - Current news and commentary plus audio, video and weather. USA. -
Bitterlemons International Middle East Roundtable - Viewpoints and initiatives from policy and news makers from around the world on a specific topic, chosen weekly, affecting the region. -
Aljazeera - English version of the Arabic-language news network. Breaking news and features plus background material including profiles and global reactions. Qatar. -
ITP - Provides daily IT and business news, product reviews, discussions and competitions. In Arabic and English. -
Middle East Economic Digest - Provides weekly news, research and analysis for the Middle East and North Africa. Includes sector-wise economic, business and trade news. Also features economic forecasts, articles and a calendar of events. -
Gulf Business - Online edition of the print magazine. Features Middle East and international business news, cover story, archives and a profile. -
Daniel Pipes - Journalist and Director of the Middle East Forum provides articles written, interviews, book reviews, and mailing list information on the Israel-Palestine conflict, Islam and Middle East politics. -
BBC News: Middle East - News coverage of the Middle East includes audio and video, in-depth analyses and country profiles. UK. -
Middle East Events - Covers events, trade shows, exhibitions, conferences, music concerts, theatres, plays, fairs and festivals in the region. -
Middle East Intelligence Bulletin - Monthly online publication dealing with strategic and political developments in the Middle East. -
U.S. Report On The Middle East - News covering Washington's policies towards Middle Eastern countries, and how these countries explain their policies in Washington. - - Includes country-wise and category-wise news, articles, entertainment and phone codes. -