Haim Ben-Ezra - Memorial for an Afula man killed in a 2001 terrorist attack. - http://www.mfa.gov.il/mfa/go.asp?MFAH0kjh0
Reuters' Overshadowing Bias - Article critical of the news agency's media coverage of a terrorist attack in Afula. - http://www.aish.com/jewishissues/mediaobjectivity/Reuters_Overshadowing_Bias.asp
Two Dead In Afula Terrorist Attack - 2001 article from Our Jerusalem magazine about a shooting spree in the open-air market. - http://www.ourjerusalem.com/news/story/news20011128.html
Massive Bus Bombing Near Afula - 2002 article from a resource on international terrorism and counter-terrorism. - http://www.ict.org.il/spotlight/det.cfm?id=788