Llanelli Conservatives - Local branch of the Welsh Conservative Party in the constituency of Llanelli. Latest local news, campaigns and information. - http://www.conservatives.com/tile.do?def=people.constituency.page&obj_id=1800
Brecon and Radnorshire Conservatives - Local branch of the Welsh Conservative Party in the constituency of Brecon and Radnorshire. News, events, people and information. - http://www.breconandradnorconservatives.com/
Vale of Clwyd Conservative Association - Overview of the activities of the association and its branches. Brief Biography of their General Election candidate. Infrequently updated. - http://www.vale-of-clwyd.conservatives.org.uk/
Swansea Conservative Future - Lists benefits of membership, plus a welcome message from the chairman. - http://www.swansea.conservative-future.org/