South Gwent Ramblers - Contact and membership details, walks programme and photographs. A local group of the Ramblers Association . -
FourWells Walking Group - Based in the old Mid Wales counties of Breconshire and Radnorshire. Walk alternate Saturdays in areas of outstanding natural beauty, and welcome new members and visitors. -
Powys Area Ramblers - Representing Ramblers Association members who reside in or close to the Welsh county of Powys. -
Bridgend and District Group Ramblers Association - Organise two walks every Sunday. There is a short walk of 4 to 5 miles, and a longer one of between 10 and 20 miles . Walks programme and contact details . -
Taff Ely Ramblers - Contact details and walks programme. Includes links to related resources . -
The Ramblers Association: Wales - Information about local walking groups. -
Aberystwyth Ramblers - Leads a programme of walks northern half of Ceredigion in Mid Wales . Contacts, walks programme and links to related resources . -
West Glamorgan Ramblers - Itinerary, photos of walking locations, footpath information and events calendar. -
Swansea University Hiking Club - General club information and details of hiking in the UK. -
Cardiff Ramblers - Organises guided walks of lengths varying from 4 to 20 miles around the Cardiff area and further afield. -