Carelaw : A Guide for Young People in Care - An information site for children and young people in care in England and Wales; includes substantial advice and information sections on their rights and applicable legislation -
Connexions Direct - Offers advice on education, careers, housing, money, health and relationships. Includes web chat, telephone and call-back services. -
VOIS (Voicing Our Issues and Struggles) - A series of projects designed to assist young people to think, write and speak about social issues, issues that matter to them and affect them. - - Teen and youth oriented information and advice resource, run by UK charity YouthNet. Honest, factual information about drugs, sex, careers, relationships, student life, and health matters. -
Connected: Survey of how young people use the media - Answers the questions: How do young people use the media? How do they communicate? Where do they get ideas? -
Jiggy - Student news and reviews, including creative articles and film reviews. -
Youth Issues, Projects and Information - A resource for young people and youth workers, features a directory of groups in North East England, a forum to discuss relevant issues and a news page. -
ValidateUK - Proof of age scheme for young people. -