CPHA - International Fund for Animal Welfare - The IFAW is working to end all hunting with hounds. Neutral on fishing because no third party is involved. - http://www.ifaw.org/ifaw/general/default.aspx?oid=12400
CPHA: Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals - The RSPCA is against hunting, shooting, coursing, snaring and any use of animals in other countries. No position on angling, falconry and terrier work. Includes campaigns, pet care, membership and jobs plus a link to their mini-site about hunting. - http://www.rspca.org.uk/servlet/ContentServer?pagename=RSPCA/Campaigns/FoxHuntingCampaign
The Parliamentary Middle Way Group - Details about the group, its history, policies and supporters. Message board and mailing list. Founded by Peter Luff (Conservative), Llin Golding (Labour) and Lembit Öpik (Liberal Democrat). - http://www.themiddlewaygroup.org.uk/
CPHA: League Against Cruel Sports - LACS campaigns and lobbies politicians against hunting with hounds, shooting, falconry, snaring, hare coursing, terrier work and the Grand National horse race. Neutral on angling because different people take different positions on it. Site includes news - http://www.league.uk.com