- Aimed at helping the homeless or potentially homeless to understand housing law in the UK. Information on homelessness and housing issues as well as legal information.
Squatting Archive - Historical documents from and about squats and squatting in London and squatting news and information. -
Colchester Night Shelter - Providing direct access, emergency accommodation for homeless people. Location, getting help, volunteering, resettlement and news. -
Gloucestershire Emergency Accommodation Resource - Charity providing services for homeless people, including a day centre, a night shelter and a community garden project in Gloucestershire. -
New Bridge Prison Liaison Project - Offers advice and support for prisoners being released without accommodation (NFA) and with other support needs who have a right to settle within the Liverpool City Council boundaries. -
Forum Housing Association - Charity and Registered Social Landlord, offering supported housing for young single homeless aged 16-25, within Merseyside. -
Housing Action North East - Overcoming homelessness in the north east of england, HANE seeks to influence policy-making by raising awareness of homelessness within the region. -
Bishopbridge House - A direct access hostel in Norwich that provides accommodation and support to 30 homeless people. -
Whitechapel Mission - Methodist Church based charity targeting street sleepers of the East End of London. Includes news, how to help, and links. -
Shelter Cymru - Shelter, 24 hour helpline, housing advice, social services and advocacy work on behalf of homeless people in Wales, England. Includes links, discussion, events and help. -
West London Initiative on Single Homelessness (WISH) - Provides a regular Sunday breakfast, and temporary shelter and support during Christmas in West London, UK. Includes volunteer opportunities, donation needs and future plans. -
Passage Day and Night Shelter - Provides shelter and a variety of support services in Victoria, London. Includes volunteer and employment opportunities, news, and donation needs. -
Chester Aid to The Homeless - Charity providing night shelter, hostel accommodation, resettlement, day centre, and education and training in Chester. Includes programs, newsletter and how to help. -
Lifeshare - Provides street outreach, housing assistance, support services, and a Christmas programme to homeless people in Manchester. Includes information on programmes and the White Goods Project which sells reconditioned electric products. -
Homeless Pages - Comprehensive source of information about resources on homelessness and related issues in the UK. -
The Society of St James - Registered charity providing accommodation with care and support to those who are homeless or vulnerably housed. Information on services, donations, volunteering and jobs. Based in Southampton. -
Fireside Day Centre - Drop-in centre offering friendship, hospitality and support to the homeless, unemployed or lonely. Details of services offered, opening times and volunteering opportunities. Based in Birmingham. -
Carr-Gomm - Charity offering housing and support services to vulnerable people across England with a range of special needs. Details of services, locations, history, jobs and user involvement. -
Providence Row - Provides food, health care, shelter, art programs and support services in London's East End. Programs, how to help and links. -
Doorstep of Hull - Charity in Hull providing housing for homeless 16-25 year old people. -
Simon Community Northern Ireland - Northern Ireland charity providing accommodation and support services to homeless people. Includes press releases, information on homelessness and on their housing facilities and services. -
Street Level - Created by homeless young people. Explains about life on the streets and how to avoid homelessness, and aims to explode homelessness stereotypes. -
It's Your Move - A Broadway website aiming to provide single homeless people throughout London, and the agencies which work with them, with access to a range of resources and training which will help them improve their chances of success when moving into a tenancy of thei -
The Booth Centre - A drop-in and activity centre for homeless people in Manchester. Information on what the centre does and how to help. -
Nightstop UK - Helps communities to start and operate a Nightstop providing accommodation to homeless young people. Information on the programme and application for a detailed guide as well as details for homeless people on how to find a Nightstop. -
Broadway - Created from the merger of Riverpoint and the Housing Services Agency, a London-based charity offering resettlement services for single homeless people. Information on services and testimonials from people who have been helped. -
CRASH - The UK construction and property industry charity for the homeless. Details of work with other homelessness charities, guidance for charities on applying for CRASH support, details of sponsors and of the projects they performed. -
Emmaus - Charity providing support and housing for the homeless and unemployed in Oxford. Includes objectives, news and how to help. -
Housemate - Aimed at educating primary school children and their teachers on the issues surrounding homelessness. Includes teacher's guide, online exercises and links. -
Homeless Link - A membership body for organisations and individuals working with homeless people around the UK. It was formed out of two charities Homeless Network and National Homeless Alliance. -
Groundswell - Groundswell is a UK project that promotes and develops self-help initiatives with people who are homeless, excluded or living in poverty. Includes latest news, funding, events, publications, contacts and links. -
A Spire - autonomous zone - A squatted building close to (and owned by) Leeds University. It is available for use by any groups wishing to meet, musicians wanting to play, cooks wanting to cook or anyone who just wants a cup of tea. -
Caer Las Cymru - Information about this housing charity helping single homeless people in South Wales through outreach programmes and supported housing initiatives. -
St Mungo's - Offer single homeless people in London access to housing and hostels, treatment for physical and mental health problems, help with finding their own home and getting training and work. -
Shelter - Homelessness charity that runs a housing helpline, has a network of housing aid centres, and works with local citizens advice bureaux. - - Provides affordable and safe accommodation linked to employment and training opportunities, support and a range of other services. -
Crisis - A homeless charity focussing on hidden homelessness, working to help single homeless people. Its mission is to help marginalised and homelessness people. -
Centrepoint - Charity that provides emergency accommodation, support, information and training for homeless young people in London. It also researches solutions for solutions for people across the UK. -
Alone in London Service - A charity that helps young people under the age of 26 to solve housing problems and learn to live independent lives. -