Yorkshire Dialect Society - Scholarly society meets four times a year. Publishes an annual journal, "Transactions of the Yorkshire Dialect Society." - http://www.pudsey.com/clanvis/loc/dialect/home.htm
Lancashire Dialect Society - Membership information and some texts in the dialect. - http://ldsociety.com/
English Accents and Dialects - Extracts from the Survey of English Dialects and the Millennium Memory Bank document how the English spoke and lived in the 20th century. - http://www.collectbritain.co.uk/collections/dialects/
Talk Tidy - A humorous dictionary of the English dialect used in and around the valleys of South Wales. - http://talktidy.com/
Whoohoo.co.uk - Translate your English phrase, email or text message into a variety of different British dialects including Geordie, Cockney Rhyming Slang, Irish, Brummie, Scottish, Scouse, Posh and Ali G. - http://www.whoohoo.co.uk/