Speed Campaigns Information - Information on the UK Slower Speeds Initiative and related transport and road safety campaigns. Includes details of campaigns, publications, and news. - http://www.slower-speeds.org.uk/
RoadPeace - A national charity for road crash victims, supporting those bereaved or injured, and working for road safety. Information about membership, campaigns, news, events, and their helpline. - http://www.roadpeace.org/
Bad Driving - Includes video clips and pictures as well as the option to nominate bad drivers. - http://www.baddriving.com/
AppealNow.com - News and information on appealing against incorrect and illegal parking tickets, car clamping and bus lane penalties. - http://www.appealnow.com/
London Motorists Action Group - Campaigning against excessive parking charges by London Boroughs. Includes forum, guides on handling tickets, legal, press and media information. - http://www.lmag.org.uk/
Speed Trap Bible - Provides information to British drivers on speeding issues. Contains advice to accused offenders, facts and figures, FAQs, and details of track days. - http://www.speed-trap.co.uk/
SpeedLimit - Promotes better, safer roads and sensible traffic law enforced with discretion. - http://www.speedlimit.org.uk/
SafeSpeed - Arguing for the wider use of safe speeds without the excessive emphasis on speed limits. Includes forum. - http://www.safespeed.org.uk/
Association of British Drivers - Campaigning and lobby group fighting anti-car measures on behalf of British Drivers. Contains news, press releases, campaign issues, and joining details. - http://www.abd.org.uk/
PePiPoo - Reveals how the UK police and judiciary deal with allegations of speeding in real life and provides the information motorists need to defend themselves. Includes forums, information on real cases and the law in theory and practice. - http://www.pepipoo.com/