Cycling and Children and Young People - A review for the National Children's Bureau on the significance of cycling for children and young people - available as a download in PDF format. Includes a substantial annex on the issue of cycle helmets, which concludes "the case for cycle helmets -
Three Lessons for a Better Cycling Future - A paper for the British Medical Journal analyses some myths about cyclist safety, and posits that increasing the number of cyclists is the straightforward way of making cycling much safer. -
Bicycle Overtaking Studies - An analysis of motorist behaviour towards cyclists; shows that drivers come closer to cyclists wearing helmets, riding further from the edge, and who appear to be male. Includes a downloadable summary [PDF format]. -
Helmets - The CTC's (Cycle Touring Club) policy on the issue of helmet-wearing, and against legislation to compel the wearing of helmets. Includes an analysis of the BMA descision of 2005, and recent evidence. -
Cycle Helmet Page - A Dundee cyclist's analysis of important points about cycle helmets. -
Cycle orgs and doctors say BMA helmet vote will "cause great harm" - Reporting of the reaction of cyclist organisations to the BMA calling for legislation requiring helmet compulsion for all adult and child cyclists. -
Legislation for the Compulsory Wearing of Cycle Helmets - Information about, and background to, the BMA's decision to support the introduction of legislation making the wearing of cycle helmets compulsory for both children and adults. -
Cycle Helmets - A collection of articles by John Franklin, "guru" of UK cyclist training; includes links to other research and statistics. -
Bicycle Helmet Initiative Trust - Aims to reduce the number of children who are killed and injured as a result of head injuries sustained in cycling accidents. Includes educational resources, advice, and statistics. -