Heathrow Association for the Control of Aircraft Noise (HACAN) - Works to preserve the quality of life for those living around Heathrow airport in the UK. Concerns include noise, air pollution, and traffic congestion, and the fear of a major disaster. Information about campaign, news and resources. - http://www.hacan.org.uk/
South Suffolk Air Traffic Action Group (SSATAG) - Concerned citizens of the Box and Stour Valleys who have found themselves living under new flight paths imposed without prior consultation; includes background, contact and membership details. - http://www.etribes.com/overview/4576
Airport Concern Exeter - A non-political campaign to represent the concerns of Exeter citizens regarding the development of Exeter Airport, and the environmental impacts. Includes background, action suggestions, and a FAQ. - http://www.gtp89.dial.pipex.com/air/
2M Group - An alliance of twelve local authorities concerned at the environmental impact of Heathrow expansion on their communities. Information about membership and contacts, background, and news. - http://www.wandsworth.gov.uk/Home/MyWandsworth/Newsextra/2mgroup.htm
Wolverhampton Airport Action Group - Campaign to prevent the expansion of Wolverhampton Business Airport and its runways. Includes news, events listing, and downloadable resources. - http://www.waag.uk.com/
Stop Stansted Expansion (SSE) - Campaigning against proposals to expand Stansted Airport; includes background information, news, events listing, FAQ, and contact links. - http://www.stopstanstedexpansion.com/
Stop Bristol Airport Expansion - An alliance of environmental groups and local councils campaigning against BIA's application to expand Bristol Airport; includes FAQ, contact details, and suggestions for further action. - http://www.nobristolairportexpansion.co.uk/
Stop Luton Airport Plan (SLAP) - Campaigning against the Luton Airport Master Plan, under which it would be second only in passenger capacity to Heathrow. Includes a petition, background information, action suggestions, news and contact details. - http://www.stoplutonairport.org/
No Third Runway Action Group (NoTRAG) - A residents' organisation in Hillingdon opposed to the building of a third runway at Heathrow Airport. Background information, events listing, press releases, news, resources, and contact details. - http://www.notrag.org/
Gatwick Area Conservation Campaign - A coalition of local councils and amenity groups within a twenty mile radius around the airport, opposed to developing a new runway at Gatwick Airport. Includes background information, campaign resources, downloadable newsletters, and contact details. - http://www.gacc.org.uk/
Lydd Airport Action Group (LAAG) - Represents local people who are opposed to the expansion of Lydd Airport. Provides a newsletter, and suggests ways to get involved. - http://www.kentnet.org.uk/laag/
Keep the Marsh Special Alliance - A campaign against planning applications to expand Lydd (London Ashford) Airport; includes membership details, background information, and news archive. - http://www.lyddairport-noexpansion.co.uk/
Luton and District Association for the Control of Aircraft Noise (LADACAN) - Works to prevent the expansion of Luton Airport; includes links illustrating their concerns about daytime noise, night flying, traffic congestion, air pollution, and destruction of local environments. Provides information and events. - http://www.ladacan.org/
CASE - Concerned residents Against Staverton Expansion - Features information on the planning proposals submitted by Gloucestershire Airport to increase traffic and facilities. Includes background, news, FAQ, and suggestions for action. - http://www.case-online.org.uk/
Birmingham Anti-Noise Group (BANG) - A residents' campaign group sick of aircraft noise, night flights and pollution from Birmingham International Airport, and opposing further expansion. Includes newsletter, membership and contact details, documentation, and links. - http://www.bhamantinoise.org.uk/
Axe - A coalition of environmental groups, pressure groups, residents associations and individuals campaigning against expansion at Southampton (Eastleigh) Airport; information about membership, events, press releases, and background. - http://www.southamptonaxe.org.uk/